New Song United Methodist Church

Welcome to New Song United Methodist Church!
Adult Sunday School at 9:00 am
Worship at 10:30 am
with Children’s and Youth Sunday School available on non-communion Sundays,
and Nursery available every Sunday

Visit our YouTube Channel to see our LiveStream Service:LIVE VIDEOS
Welcome to a place where you are loved and accepted. 
Welcome to a place where your hurts are healed, and your lives made whole. 
Welcome to a place where God meets you with His grace, and grants you His peace.
New Song United Methodist Church is an open minded congregation who welcome all who desire to know and serve Christ. 
Here you can find healing and peace with God. 
New Song is a loving family that reaches out to the world. 
Besides Biblical teaching and fellowship, you can also make a difference in the world by getting involved in one of our many outreach ministries.

Rev. Misty Howick

Lead Pastor
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal (1 Corinthians 13:1). 
My family and I love our church here at New Song. We are an active foursome who play volleyball, video games, card games and board games. We enjoy reading, telling jokes and generally have a great time.
Every Sunday, as the Pastor of New Song, I try to bring joy from our community and world into our understanding of Biblical texts. I believe that God is speaking and working in everyone’s lives, even in different ways. My goal as Pastor is to help us understand each other and God’s will for us in the world which includes loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Want to know more? Ask me about Japan, camp or the Buffy-verse. 

Kathy Norris

Pastoral Assistant
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). My purpose in life is helping those that need someone to actively care and nurture their spirit. As Pastoral Assistant, a Stephen Minister, and leader of both Prayer Force and Care and Nurture, I have found my calling to help others through different avenues.  Being organized and always willing to learn provides me daily challenges to effectively help those in need.

Rev. Stephanie Soon

Minister of Music
My husband and I migrated from Illinois to Arizona in 2018. I have degrees in music education and church music. Ordained a Deacon in the United Methodist Church in 2003, I have served as a Director of Christian Education, a Director of Music, an organist, a Hospice Chaplain, and a pastor of a small church over the years. It’s my pleasure to serve here at New Song UMC as their Minister of Music, leading the Celebration Choir, the New Song Handbells, and the Praise Team. Our mission? The Bible invites us to ‘sing a new song unto the Lord’, and that’s what we strive to do here at New Song! 

Leslie Oredson

Office Manager
Moving from cold Minnesota to the warmth of Surprise, AZ has been an amazing transformation for me.  My youngest daughter still lives in MN but my oldest lives in Surprise. I enjoy working with everyone at the church, especially with the children I assist as their Sunday School teacher and leader of VBS in the summer. Children are amazing and are always teaching me something new!

Scott South

Financial Secretary
 "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13 speaks volumes to me in every day of life. I enjoy being the Financial Secretary for the Church, and am an active leader and participant as well. Animals4God is a wonderful group that I facilitate, utilizing animals to carry the message of God to others.  I chair the Worship Committee and I also enjoy singing in the Celebration Choir and Praise Team.  Outside of church, I love sports and online jigsaw puzzles !

Alex Lunardi


Nic Hermans

Facilities Manager

Skylar Rick

Nursery Attendant

Janel Soffa

Nursery Attendant
Please click on the following links to see our bulletins.
2/9/2025 Bulletin 2/9/2025 Insert
2/2/2025 Bulletin 2/2/2025 Insert
1/26/2025 Bulletin 1/26/2025 Insert
1/19/2025 Bulletin 1/19/2025 Insert
1/12/2025 Bulletin 1/12/2025 Insert
Please click on the following links to see our newsletters.
New Song also has a Facebook page. Visit our Facebook page.

New Song United Methodist Church
